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About The Artists

Thank you for taking the time to read about us! We are Amanda and Samantha Jennings of Gemini's Fine Art Studio, and we are proud to offer luxury gifts & stationery all from our hand-drawn artwork, as well as custom animal and pet and people portraits. We also sell in our store; prints, cards, writing paper, gift wrap and more, so don't forget to take a look at our shop page! 


We look forward to sharing our love of art with you!

Mum & Sam with artwork 2

Amanda Lloyd Jennings

I was born in Suffolk in the early sixties. My father was a Hatchery manager for a large poultry company and my mother was a technical drawer for a building company in her younger days and from her teachings, she taught me how to do basic drawing. She also bought me my first tin of Caran D’ache coloured pencils when I was 12yrs old. From that day forwards I started my journey on creating coloured pencil drawings, with my mother’s teachings guiding me. I still have that tin, and I always will.


We moved to Leicestershire onto a rented farm in the mid Sixties and then I fell in love with drawing and painting animals. We had horses, cattle, goats, sheep and pigs as well as cats and dogs. This time in my life brought such a wonderful rich tutorial for my artwork.


I was accepted into Art College which I was thrilled about, but my father and brother were made redundant during the late 70’s and we had to move house. That upheaval changed my life, so my dream died for that path.


I started to do commissions from the early 80’s of horses and dogs and that opened up doors for me and my artwork. I exhibited my art in galleries and life was wonderful until 1986 when once again we had to move due to my parents becoming bankrupt in the darkest times in farming history.


For years I could not bring myself to draw or paint until I had a family of my own in the early 90’s and I started drawing again as my daughters wanted to learn. In the late 90’s I once again started to do commissions of pets and for the first time people and I fell in love with art all over again! I became a successful artist selling in Norfolk’s galleries.

Bumblebee 4
Pink Thistle
Poppy 1.2
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Poppy 1.2
Pink Thistle
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Pink Thistle
Pink Thistle
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Pink Thistle
Pink Thistle

Samantha Jennings

I fell in love with drawing when I was at a young age, especially drawing animals. My mother taught me a little of art, but I was mainly self taught until I studied art in High School. I started out using pencils and coloured pencil and then branched out into using pastels, which I quickly fell in love with, too, leading me to do a pastel artwork from reference photos of my Cyprus holiday for my final exam. Unfortunately, this was either stolen or lost at my school, which was a shame as I truly loved the artwork that I had created, and because of this, it lead me to no longer pursue art for many years.


I can't tell you how much I absolutely love and adore animals, which lead me to study various animal care courses from NVQ1 Animal Care to a Foundation Degree in Ecology & Conservation at Easton College. I am currently sharing my life with four dogs - a rescue called Bailey (my sister's dog), a stray named Willow, and two pups called Padley (my mother's pup) and Fern - and two turtles, so it is very important to me that each portrait and artwork is as special, unique and personal to you as is your relationship with your beloved furry companion, or through your passion for wildlife.


On my free time, I walk my dogs in the beautiful English countryside, including some lovely National Trust places that are nearby. 

Poppy 1.2
Poppy 1.2
Pink Thistle
Pink Thistle
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Poppies & Thistle 1.3
Pink Thistle
Pink Thistle
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